Question asked by Guilherme Granato - 2/10/2017 at 12:12 PM
What are the available languages for DocumentUltimate?

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Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
For future reference:
As of current version 2.3.2, these languages are supported:
For example, for Brazil Portuguese you can use it like this:
DocumentViewer.Language = "pt-BR";
If you need to customize a translation or create new translation:
Create this folder under your project: App_GlobalResources\WebViewer\Html5\Resources\i18n
And put translation-en.json file (download this file: du-translations.zip), rename this and edit the text for this file to translate to your language. Normally when you do a change under App_GlobalResources, it should be recognized automatically. If not you can force AppDomain restart via touching web.config. Make sure you are using the .NET standard codes for cultures:  http://timtrott.co.uk/culture-codes/
Important fix in v2.3.2 (February 16, 2017):
  • Fixed: Specific languages like pt-BR (not neutral languages like pt) were not being loaded. New translations under App_GlobalResources\WebViewer\Html5\Resources\i18n were not picked up. Changed the translation file name format from translation-xx_XX.json to translation-xx-XX.json (replaced underscore with dash) so that it exactly matches .NET culture names. DocumentViewer.Language property will now throw an error if set to an invalid .NET culture name.
Now, when you set DocumentViewer.Language="nl-NL" it will work.
Also if your default locale is already nl-NL you don’t need to set Language property as it will detect the culture automatically from your ASP.NET application.
When creating a translation, just make sure you rename underscore to dash in the file name, from now on underscore will not be used e.g. translation-nl-NL.json or translation-nl.json

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