How to translate FileVista to a new language

Please first see the below article for information on where to find original language files:
How to override resource files of FileVista
To override an existing embedded language or to add a newly translated language, put the modified language files or the newly translated language files in FileVista\App_GlobalResources\Languages subfolder. Note that there are 2 separate files FileUltimate-xx.xml and FileVista-xx.xml for a single language, one for FileVista and one for FileUltimate which FileVista is built on top of. Both of these files should be translated and copied as FileVista uses translations from both files.
Language files are simple XML files. To create a new language file, make copies of FileUltimate-en.xml and FileVista-en.xml and rename them to a standard language name (refer to Culture Name column in this table). For instance, rename them to FileUltimate-de.xml and FileVista-de.xml for German language. Edit the new xml files and translate each string element but do not modify the key attributes. If a string includes a place holder {0}, do not forget to include it in the translated string too. You can create language files also for specific cultures. For instance, you can create FileUltimate-de-CH.xml and FileVista-de-CH.xml for German in Switzerland. There is a fallback mechanism, FileVista will first look for the language file FileVista-de-CH.xml and if the file is not found, it will load the general language file of that culture which is FileVista-de.xml.

We will appreciate if you send us the language files you created so that we can bundle them in future versions.