How to translate FileUltimate to a new language

Please first see the below article for information on where to find original language files:
How to override resource files of FileUltimate

To override an existing embedded language or to add a newly translated language, create Project\App_GlobalResources\Languages folder and put the modified language file or the newly translated language file in this subfolder.
Language files are simple XML files. To create a new language file, make a copy of FileUltimate-en.xml and rename it to a standard language name (refer to Culture Name column in this table). For instance, rename it to FileUltimate-de.xml for German language. Edit the new xml file and translate each string element but do not modify the key attributes. If a string includes a place holder {0}, do not forget to include it in the translated string too. You can create language files also for specific cultures. For instance, you can create FileUltimate-de-CH.xml for German in Switzerland. There is a fallback mechanism, FileUltimate will first look for the language file FileUltimate-de-CH.xml and if the file is not found, it will load the general language file of that culture which is FileUltimate-de.xml.
We will appreciate if you send us the language files you created so that we can bundle them in future versions.