Google Chrome not loading the FileUltimate but other browser is ok
Problem reported by Hasegawa Hironori - 7/7/2020 at 10:19 PM
I'm having this issue where on my computer the google chrome loads the FileUltimate with out any issue but i have another user where by google chrome is not loading the FileUltimate. Checked the google chrome setting it is exactly the same. Only thing is on the google chroome Web developer tools it shows. This error in the image below.

How can I solve this user problem?

6 Replies

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Hasegawa Hironori Replied
Anyone able to assist?
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
Well it looks like a Chrome extension named "Content Server Web Browser Extension" causes the error, tell the user to disable that extension.
Hasegawa Hironori Replied
thank you for your reply. noted i will try to ask the user to disable this extension.

Hasegawa Hironori Replied
thank you. the issue was solved by disabling the "Content Server Web Browser Extension "
Hasegawa Hironori Replied
Hi Cem Alacayir,

would like to ask another question regarding this "Content Server Web Browser Extension". 
After disabling the extension and some back end firewall settings at the users side the File Ultimate works.
But now when the user enabled back the extension its getting this error (Image below).
Any idea what is the problem and how to fix this? 

If the user would like to maintain this extension enabled is there workaround for both File Ultimate and this extension to work? 

Thank you

*Update the error seem to be occurring at the fileultimate.js "ListFolder"
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
Well why don't you ask the extension author for their own bug? Obviously this extension overtakes requests in weird ways and FileUltimate cannot do anything about it. This extension seems to be last updated on August 7, 2018, check the reviews on problems: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/content-server-browser-we/hlphpjodcfdblfmbbdjodbfmlonmidfh.

>If the user would like to maintain this extension enabled 

I guess Chrome allows you disable extension for site basis, so the user can disable it only for your site that hosts FileUltimate.

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