FileUltimate v5.6.2 is released

This release includes the following changes:

  • Improved: Stability of Document Viewer.
  • Improved: Updated example projects Mvc.CS and Mvc.VB from ASP.NET MVC 3 to ASP.NET MVC 4 so that they can be properly edited (no Razor warnings) in Visual Studio 2015 while keeping compatibility back to Visual Studio 2010. Also added ASP.NET MVC 4 as Nuget references so that it can be restored automatically when project is ran in Visual Studio.

  • Improved: Merging of DLLs. We are now using an in-house built assembly merger and resolver. The new resolver is more performant (you should notice faster startup times), reduces the memory footprint, handles error better and provides detailed logging in the temporary folder and also in VS Debug Program Output Window when attached. Also the size of the product DLL files are slightly reduced due to better compression. We will offer this new assembly merger and resolver as a new product soon.

For the full version history of FileUltimate, please see here.