Issue with missing seal stamp on Document Viewer GleamTech
Problem reported by SNeo - 6/21/2024 at 5:37 PM

After upgrading Gleamtech to v6.9.6, we noticed there is missing seal stamp.
Could you kindly help to advice on how to resolve this?

Thank you.

11 Replies

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Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
SNeo Replied

We have tried and issue still exists. Appreciate for the advise again.

This was before upgraded

After upgraded to v7.x

Thank you.
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
What is the original document format? Is it DOCX or PDF? Also what was the last version that was working?
SNeo Replied

PDF. Previously it was on v2.x.
Thank you.
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
FYI, this issue is now fixed with Version 7.1.0 - September 1, 2024
  • Fixed: Signatures in some PDF files were removed in conversions and thus were not visible in DocumentViewer.

Hermanto Replied
After we upgraded the GleamTech version from to, we found 3 new issues:
1) sidebar vertical scrollbar is not auto adjust/scroll when we press the "Previous Page" or "Next Page" icon
2) sidebar vertical scrollbar is not auto adjust/scroll when we scroll the right side vertical scrollbar (document vertical scrollbar)
3) when re-open the pdf document (new pdf or existing pdf), the page number is not go to page #1
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
1 and 2 seems like the same issue and it will be fixed. 3 is not an issue but a feature, i.e. browser remembers the scroll position for a document if it was opened and scrolled before. However we can expose a property to disable this feature. I will let you know shortly
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
FYI, these issues are now fixed:

Version 7.1.2 - September 9, 2024

  • Fixed: Thumbnail view scrolling was not synchronized to the document scrolling.
    So when scrolling the document, current page's thumbnail should scroll into the view automatically.

  • Added: New property DocumentViewer.RememberViewHistory:
    Gets or sets a value that specifies whether for each document fingerprint, the document viewer should remember UI state via browser's local storage,
    i.e. last viewed page, zoom level, scroll position, rotation, SidebarView, ScrollMode, SpreadMode.
    The default is true.

    If you want the document viewer to discard any view history entries and always load all documents at the first page
    (and with default zoom values), then you should set this property to false.

    In previous versions, DocumentViewer behaved as if this property was set to true.

Hermanto Replied
After we upgraded the GleamTech version from to, found new issue:
1) on the left sidebar, there is big space
example: pdf file has 3 pages, each page break has the big space.

We checked the GleamTech version and are look good.
Please help to check and fix it, thanks

Hermanto Replied

Any update for latest issue?
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
FYI, this is now fixed:

Version 7.1.3 - October 4, 2024

  • Fixed: In thumbnail view, when there are few thumbnails like 2 or 3, they should not be vertically centered (avoid large gaps).

  • Fixed: Setting DocumentViewer.ZoomLevel property was not working. Normally when it's set to a non-zero percentage value,
    that should override the DocumentViewer.ZoomMode property.

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