Doesnt work under high load
Problem reported by Robert Moorehouse - 6/6/2024 at 7:55 PM
We have implemented the latest version on 64bit and the document viewer crashes every 10 mins, we rolled back to 6.5.0 which looked more stable but that also crashes hourly. Only seems to happen when running 64bit, but moving to 32bit compatibility defeats the object of using 64bit! 

Faulting application name: w3wp.exe
Faulting module name: PortableEngine.Native.dll, version:
Exception code: 0xc0000005

3 Replies

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Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
Hi Robert,
We have a couple of similar reports but it's hard to replicate. For example, our live demo server does not have an issue. Do you think it's because of high load or because of specific document files? The problem is it's hard to catch exceptions from native DLL, unlike managed DLLs it crashes down the owner process when it faults.

I suspect the fault mostly occurs when converting specific documents to XPZ format in second step. Converting to PDF in first step is usually stable. We are currently working on new viewer which will not need XPZ format and will display PDF format directly. I think this will solve most of the weird native crashes. Later, we will also try to ditch native DLL and go full managed. The new version is very close to completion, I will let you know soon.
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
Hi Robert,
Please test the latest version 7.0 and let me know.
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
FYI, this issue is now fixed completely with Version 7.1.0 - September 1, 2024:
  • Improved: PDF conversions are now faster and more accurate. Support high-load environments.

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