Note that some UI elements are already hidden when denied via DocumentViewer's permissions:
For other UI elements:
As of current version, viewer is rendered in an iframe so your CSS defined in the host page will not propagate to iframe.
So Patrick is right, you should access the iframe in DocumentViewer's client/js load event and then change CSS styles there. Here is an example:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="GleamTech" Namespace="GleamTech.DocumentUltimate.AspNet.WebForms" Assembly="GleamTech.DocumentUltimate" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function documentViewerLoad(sender, e) {
//sender parameter will be the DocumentViewer instance
var documentViewer = sender;
//get reference to iframe window
var viewerWindow = documentViewer.iframe.contentWindow;
//or in older versions:
//var viewerWindow = document.getElementById(documentViewer.rcId).contentWindow;
//toolbar colors
"background-color": "#f8f8f8",
"border-bottom": "1px solid #ddd"
// toolbar size
"margin-top": "0",
"margin-bottom": "0",
"padding-top": "1px",
"padding-bottom": "1px"
//input boxes size
viewerWindow.$(".ui-widget-header.toolbar input").css({
"font-size": "13px",
"height": "20px"
//If you also want the left tab bar style to match right toolbar:
"padding-top": "0",
"padding-bottom": "0",
"background-color": "#f8f8f8",
"border-bottom": "1px solid #ddd"
viewerWindow.$(".ui-tabs-anchor > span").css({
"padding-top": "13px",
"padding-bottom": "12px"
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<GleamTech:DocumentViewerControl ID="documentViewer" runat="server" CssClass="file-viewer"
Width="100%" Resizable="False" DisplayMode="InPlace"
MobileMode="OnAny" PageFitMode="Zoom" PageLayoutMode="Continuous" PageZoomLevel="100"
DeniedPermissions="Download, DownloadAsPdf, Print, SelectText, GoFullScreen, FillForms, ViewAttachments, NavigateHistory">
<ClientEvents Loaded="documentViewerLoad" />