FileManager.Failed Event not fired
Problem reported by Adriano Catapano - 5/16/2023 at 3:59 AM
The event FileManager.Failed is not fired when an upload fail due to quota exceeded.

In my opinion the events Uploaded, Moved etc. shouldn't be fired in case there is a quota overflow and therefore in fact the files are not present in the destination path, instead, the events Uploading, Moving, etc. should be fired also in that case.

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Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
"Quota exceeded" is a rejection and not a failure, you can check it like this:

private static void fileManagerUploaded(object sender, FileManagerUploadedEventArgs e)
    foreach (var item in e.Items)
        if (item.Status == UploadItemStatus.Rejected)
           // Log item.StatusMessage

Note that when a file in the queue is rejected, the queue is not stopped, the next file is uploaded.
That's why Uploaded event is raised at the end of the queue

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