Extract zip files
Problem reported by Helder Ferreira Santo - 1/30/2023 at 6:15 PM


We recently upgraded Gleamtech.FileUltimate in our product from version 8.2.0 to 8.5.0, however, we are experiencing an issue with certain zip files resulting in a timeout when users try to extract them to a folder. Refreshing the page reveals that the files have been extracted successfully. We are using Azure Blob for storage. Is there a way to check logs or any other method of troubleshooting this issue? We have not been able to find any relevant information

Helder Santo

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Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
Does the extraction take longer than 1 hour? For ASP.NET Classic, request timeout is automatically set to 1 hour internally (in code) for FileManager actions so I guess your problem is with ASP.NET Core (because we cannot control request timeout from code for ASP.NET Core, needs a Web.config setting).

For ASP.NET Core;
- If you are using in-process hosting model, you cannot set request timeout so it's indefinite (so no problem). You can see if you are using -inprocess hosting model if you see setting like this in your Web.config:
<aspNetCore processPath="bin\Debug\net5.0\AspNetCore50Test.exe" arguments="" stdoutLogEnabled="false" hostingModel="InProcess">
-If you are using out-of-process model, you can set requestTimeout attribute like this in your Web.config:
<aspNetCore requestTimeout="01:00:00" 

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