2. Word documents convert to PDF correctly, PowerPoints convert incorrectly.
When converted to PDF in GleamTech's DocumateUltimate, is displayed as:

When converted to PDF using PowerPoint's Export to PDF feature display correctly. In the above example the issue is the handling of the Persian letter "Yeh". If we deconstruct the PDFs created by DocumentUltimate for both Word and PowerPoint we see the following:
The Word output used the following Unicode codepoints for the word for “Cost”:
FEEA: Arabic Letter Heh Final Form
FEE8: Arabic Letter Noon Medial Form
FBFE: Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Initial Form
FEB0: Arabic Letter Zain Final Form
FEEB: Arabic Letter Heh Initial Form
While the PowerPoint output is:
FEEA: Arabic Letter Heh Final Form
FEE8: Arabic Letter Noon Medial Form
06CC: Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh
FEB0: Arabic Letter Zain Final Form
FEEB: Arabic Letter Heh Initial Form
The only difference is in the 3rd codepoint, where PowerPoint uses U+06CC (Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh) and Word uses U+FBFE (Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Initial Form).
There are other Persian letters that are not handled properly. I have attached an example PowerPoint slide that shows the issues.