DocumentViewer for msg file does not recognize attachment type if the attachment is another msg file
Problem reported by Daniel - 6/16/2021 at 3:22 AM
I am evaluating the product for a project and I have ran into a small issue and I was wondering if anyone knows a way around it. Within the project I am developing for, there are a number of msg files than have msg files as attachments. When I try to open the attachment in DocumentViewer I get a message saying the file does not have an extension nor is the type specified so it cannot open it. 

I tested this with a DotNet Core app and also with the the online viewer https://demos.gleamtech.com/documentultimate/AspNetWebFormsCS/#DocumentViewer/Overview.aspx.

For the demos.gleamtech, I tested it by creating an email in Outlook and attaching a previously saved msg file, then saved that email as msg. I then opened it in DocumentViewer. You can see the attachment in the list but you cannot view it. 

Does anyone know of a workaround for this issue?

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Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
FYI, as of DocumentUltimate Version 6.4.0 - April 20, 2022, nested attachments are now supported:
  • Added:Nested attachments are now supported for Email and Pdf formats.
    • Attachments will use the same PdfOutputOptions.Watermarks and PdfOutputOptions.FastWebViewEnabled properties
       from root container document for PDFs generated for attachments.
    • Some emails may contain extensionless attachments which are nested emails, these are "message/rfc822" attachments.
       Now .eml extension will be added to these attachments so that they can be converted and displayed in DocumentViewer.

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