Intermitent permission denied error accessing .lock file
Problem reported by Jorge de Abreu - 4/3/2021 at 4:42 PM
I am trying to demo DocumentUltimate to a client, so he will agree to pony up for a license. To simplify matters, I have a left menu where some of the options open a document on the right.

I am getting the message
"Access to the path "[DocumentCache]:\lock-1hshdfq~w44gb5~w44gb5~lpnqmy.json.lock" is denied due to insufficient permissions. Please make sure the current windows identity "REDEISP\spvIntegDevSvc" has the required permissions on the path."

I just get it some of the time, so I assume it really has nothing to do with permissions for that user. Most of the time the lock is just created and destroyed just fine. But when it starts going bad, it really goes bad... though not 100% of the time either.

4 Replies

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Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
FYI, this issue should be fixed in latest Version 5.9.6 - April 28, 2021:

Fixed: DocumentViewer or DocumentCache threw below error intermittently on some machines when using physical file system for cache:
"Access to the path "[DocumentCache]:\lock-****.json.lock" is denied due to insufficient permissions."
The error was not really a permission error but a multi-thread file access error.

Krunal Meher Replied
We are using version 6.4.5 and this issue still exists. The app pool user have Full Control on the Previewer Cahche folder. Any other way we can fix this?
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
Latest version is 6.9.8 why stay at 6.4.5? By they way did you change default cache settings, it could be caused by very low timings?
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
FYI, please test this version:

Version 7.0.10 - August 6, 2024

  • Fixed: Attempt to fix intermittent UnauthorizedAccessException in DocumentCache for .lock files.
    This issue is hard to replicate, but in our tests we didn't the observe it again after some locking fixes.
    Let us know if you still get this error intermittently:
    Access to the path "[DocumentCache]:\lock-1hshdfq~w44gb5~w44gb5~lpnqmy.json.lock" is denied due to insufficient permissions.
    Please make sure the current windows identity "computer\user" has the required permissions on the path.

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