There was a syntax error in your code, it was not even compiling (there was ' instead of " in the highlighted place):
var RootF = new FileManagerRootFolder();
RootF.Location = @"c:\Myfolder";
var acl = new FileManagerAccessControl();
acl.Path = @"\";
acl.AllowedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.Extract | FileManagerPermissions.ListFiles | FileManagerPermissions.ListSubfolders | FileManagerPermissions.Preview | FileManagerPermissions.ReadOnly;
acl.DeniedPermissions = FileManagerPermissions.Download | FileManagerPermissions.Copy | FileManagerPermissions.Print;
RootF.Name = "Myfolder";
And after this fix, this code works as expected?
You said before:
> Yes I was using an old version.
Are you sure you updated to the latest properly? The DLLs in your bin folder should be these versions (they come as a set):
GleamTech.FileUltimate 7.8.1
GleamTech.Common 4.4.1
GleamTech.ImageUltimate 4.4.1
GleamTech.VideoUltimate 2.5.1
GleamTech.DocumentUltimate 5.8.1
Ensure there is no old DLL file named GleamTech.Core.dll anywhere in your project, it was replaced with new DLL file named GleamTech.Common.dll since Version 7.3.0 - November 20, 2019
In Visual Studio: Go to Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console and run these commands one by one in order:
Uninstall-Package FileUltimate -RemoveDependencies
Uninstall-Package FileUltimate.NuGetOrg -RemoveDependencies
Install-Package GleamTech.FileUltimate
If you are using direct DLL references instead of NuGet reference, first clean your project, remove references to old assembly GleamTech.Core.dll, add references to new assembly and rebuild your project. Ensure there is no GleamTech.Core.dll left in your project bin folders.