Session sharing on multiple server instances not hosted on Azure
Question asked by vishnani karan - 7/29/2020 at 11:11 PM
Please can you help?
My server instances are not hosted on Azure and I am receiving the same session expired message "session has expired, the page will be refreshed in 10 seconds ".
I have included this package in my project:
"GleamTech.Common" Version="4.0.5""GleamTech.DocumentUltimate" Version="5.1.6"
Do I have to handle the session or Gleamtech package is going to handle the session for us?

4 Replies

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Alessandro Rossetto Replied
You have to configure shared sessions between instances and shared documentcache folder.
For shared sessions you can use redis and for documentcachefolder you can use D:\home\DocumentCache

Alessandro Rossetto tweppy.com
vishnani karan Replied
I am not using Azure services. My sites are hosted on Windows servers.
Alessandro Rossetto Replied
Even if you don't use Azure, that link has good information for you. It says that you need 2 things to make it work:
  • share asp.net sessions between your servers
  • configure DocumentCache to use a storage that's shared between your servers

To share sessions between your servers you can use any distributed session provider. Most common are redis and sql. Try to search "asp.net redis session" or "asp.net sql session" on the web to know how to do it.

For DocumentCache the easiest way is using a network shared folder. This way you just have to configure your CacheLocation property to the UNC path of the network shared folder. If you don't have any, you can use Azure Blobs or Amazon S3. Take a look at the examples here: https://docs.gleamtech.com/documentultimate/html/P_GleamTech_DocumentUltimate_AspNet_DocumentUltimateWebConfiguration_CacheLocation.htm 

Alessandro Rossetto tweppy.com
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
If you are using an iframe and cross-domain url, see the announcement here:

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