.NET Core 3.1
Idea shared by Transpera Technologies Inc. - 4/11/2020 at 9:39 PM
We use FileUltimate for file managers on the back-end of many corporate websites, and we've moved our standard offering over to .net core 3.1 for many reasons.  Unfortunately FileUltimate is the one piece of the puzzle that we can't get working in our new apps.

We can use it in a .net core 3.1 app if the target server has the 2+ assemblies installed, but when deploying to a containerized service that targets a single version of the .net core sdk it fails to load the dependencies for GleamTech.

Is .net core 3.1 on the horizon? Previous versions of .net core seem to be getting left in the rearview mirror very quickly by MS and the community at large.

3 Replies

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Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
At the time, we added .NET Core 3.0 compatibility (November 14, 2019), .NET Core 3.1 was still in preview so we didn't check it but now it's retail so we will check it. They usually break a few things (like in 2.1, 2.2 and 3.0) in new versions, usually for security purpose. I will let you know soon.
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
Looking at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/compatibility/3.0-3.1 , there doesn't seem to be a breaking change for ASP.NET except cookies, so it should work with 3.1.

> but when deploying to a containerized service that targets a single version of the .net core sdk it fails to load the dependencies for GleamTech.

What exact error do you get?

Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
> but when deploying to a containerized service that targets a single version of the .net core sdk it fails to load the dependencies for GleamTech.

I guess you were using a Linux Docker container so your problem was not about .NET Core 3.1.
FYI Linux/Docker is supported since Version 7.7.0 - September 15, 2020 (no weird errors anymore, before this version only Windows was supported):

  • Added: Initial "ASP.NET Core on Linux" support, everything works except these features:

    • Image thumbnails are not available as ImageUltimate does not support Linux yet (due to Windows native DLL dependency).

    • Video thumbnails are not available as videoUltimate does not support Linux yet (due to Windows native DLL dependency).

    • Image Viewer supports only image extensions .jpg, .png, .gif (not all image formats).

    • DocumentViewer is not available as PortableEngine in DocumentUltimate does not support Linux yet (due to Windows native DLL dependency).

By the way with latest Version 7.8.0 - November 17, 2020, we also support .NET 5.0:

  • Added: .NET 5.0 support:

    • AspNetCoreSession will use JsonConvert instead of BinaryFormatter.
      BinaryFormatter serialization methods are obsolete and prohibited in ASP.NET Core 5.

    • Obfuscation caused problems in .NET 5 which seems more sensitive about reflection metadata.
      For example, ASP.NET Core 5.0 throws MissingMethodException -> ReflectionTypeLoadException when Assembly.DefinedTypes
      is called e.g. by endpoints.MapRazorPages() or endpoints.MapControllerRoute().

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