How to localize FileUltimate version 5.9
Question asked by Malaska drahoslav - 2/26/2020 at 11:04 PM
I have problem with localization fileUltimate version 5.9. 
I put a localized FileUltimate-en.xml file into \ App_GlobalResources \ Languages \
unfortunately nothing happens. Can you advise me where the problem is, or what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

7 Replies

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Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Latest version for FileUltimate is 7.3.7. You should use a language file that is compatible with 5.9. It can be found in Resources\Languages subfolder in FileUltimate-v5.9.0.0.zip.

You should put the modified file to Project\App_GlobalResources\Languages
Malaska drahoslav Replied
Thank you for answer 
Malaska drahoslav Replied
Good day, 
I have one more problem. Localization works very well in the current state, but after deployment on the server (publish web site) is down. I restart the server application, the recycled application pool. 

I have set: 
* .aspx 
GleamTech: FileManager ID = "FileManager_Attachment" runat = "Server" DisplayLanguage = "cs" ...

globalization culture="cs-CZ" uiCulture="cs" enableClientBasedCulture="false"

App_GlobalResources-> Languages-> FileUltimate-cs.xml 

Is there anything else I need to see localization? 

Thank you for answer.

Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
> after deployment on the server (publish web site) is down 

What's the error? This shouldn't be about localization. Just make sure you published the same DLLs in bin folder.

By the way, make sure you saved FileUltimate-cs.xml  with UTF-8 encoding. For example Visual Studio saves .xml files with UTF-8 encoding by default but not Notepad.

Also that setting in Web.config is not required for FileManager, (unless you want to change your whole application of course)
Malaska drahoslav Replied
I think the FileUltimate-cs.xml file is not compiled into a * .dll file when it is published, just like the * .resx files are compiled. 
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
No, language xml file is not compiled to DLL, you just put the file there, I am not talking about that. I meant ensure you are publishing your app correctly, i.e. it's synchronized (especially bin folder).
Malaska drahoslav Replied
Can I send you the output of a published file review?
The application is written in VS 2010, a type of Web Site application.

Thank you.

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