Is Linux/Mac supported?
Question asked by Taylor Graham - 1/6/2020 at 6:44 PM
I noticed that document ultimate now supports ASP .NET Core on .NET Core. Is this for all platforms or still windows only - I wasn't able to find an answer in the documentation.

5 Replies

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Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
Unfortunately, as of current version ASP.NET Core on Linux is not supported. This is because some of our internal native DLLs are Windows-only. In future we may support Linux if we port those native DLLs to Linux (or exclude some features for Linux build).
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
FYI, there are some improvements in DocumentUltimate for Linux:

Version 5.6.0 - September 15, 2020
  • Added: Initial "ASP.NET Core on Linux" support, only limited features are available:

    • DocumentConverter works except for conversions that require PortableEngine.

    • DocumentViewer is not available as PortableEngine does not support Linux yet (due to Windows native DLL dependency).
      The explanatory error "PortableEngine is currently supported only on Windows platform." will be thrown until it's supported.
      Note that component will render but you will get the error when loading a document.

  • Improved: Updated AssemblyResolver ( for initial Linux support (no unnecessary extraction of Windows native DLLs).

  • Added: DocumentUltimateConfiguration.CheckPlatformSupport method which is used to check a feature is supported on current OS platform.
    Throws PlatformNotSupportedException if not. Possible feature values are "DocumentViewer", "PortableEngine".

Taylor Graham Replied
Thanks for the update Cem! I will be ecstatic the day DocumentUltimate viewer can run on Linux :)
Jasper Replied
 except for conversions that require PortableEngine. 
Where can I find what conversions require the PortableEngine?

Thang le Replied
Nowaday is 2021, was PortableEngine supported in Linux ?

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