Error in showing a pdf document
Problem reported by Iulian Bercovici - 1/4/2020 at 11:07 PM
i have experienced an error while opening a specific pdf file in the document viewer.
I've checked the file on you'r online viewer and the problem reoccurs.
The file in question is:

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Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
FYI, this now fixed with Version 5.2.2 - January 24, 2020
Your document now works on live demo.

Version 5.2.2 - January 24, 2020
  • Fixed: Viewing some files (or converting when hosted on IIS) caused StackOverflowException. The viewer would only show "Status: error"
    message without details as it was not possible to catch this exception. This was expecially reproducable for PDFs with signed certificates.
    IIS (also IIS Express) reduces the regular 1 MB stacksize to 512KB (and to 256 KB on 32-bit w3wp.exe) and this caused some conversions to
    fail with this exception.
    This is now prevented. If current thread's stack size is lower than the required stack size, a new thread will be created with the required
    stack size and the conversion will be done inside this thread to prevent StackOverflowException.

  • Changed: LicenseKey property will now throw error also for null values (in addition to empty string (whitespace) values in v5.2.0).
    TrialExtensionKey property will now throw for null and empty string (whitespace) values.
    This is useful to prevent silently falling back to trial mode when you are not aware you are passing invalid values (e.g. setting values
    retrieved from an external source).

  • Improved: DocumentCache will from now on consider zero-sized cached files as not existing because they are usually left overs from failed
    old cache attempts. For example some exceptions are not catch-able like StackOverflowException so sometimes it may not be possible to cleanup
    a newly created zero-sized cache file before the process exists.
    This will prevent "Downloading file part error occured and could not get the reason." error when a conversion was not working before but
    it was fixed later (a zero-sized cached file will trigger a re-conversion).

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