Get Thumbnails of a Document
Question asked by Chirag Gawde - 4/8/2019 at 1:45 AM
Is there any way to get thumbnails from document as image. I want to create a thumbnail view for multiple files. Right now i am using the built in converter class of DocViewer. is there any other way i can get the thumbnails from documents.?

I am doing this : 
 singlepagepath = path + "/PDF" + "/" + sortedtable.Rows[i]["DESCRIPTION"].ToString().Replace("/", ".") + i + Path.GetExtension(sortedtable.Rows[i]["DOC_PATH"].ToString());

jpgfilename = sortedtable.Rows[i]["DESCRIPTION"].ToString().Replace("/", ".") + i + ".jpg";

ExtractDOC(sortedtable.Rows[i]["DOC_PATH"].ToString(), singlepagepath);

var result = DocumentConverter.Convert(singlepagepath, Server.MapPath("~/Thumb/") + txtInput.Text.ToUpper() + hf1.Value.Trim() + "/" + jpgfilename, DocumentFormat.Jpg);

var thumbnailname = result.OutputFiles;
name = thumbnailname[0].ToString();
ETime = result.ElapsedTime.TotalSeconds.ToString() + " Sec";
string fileName = "/" + Path.GetFileName(name);
Please Tell me if there is more efficient way to do this.

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