Info: Connecting to Azure Storage with FileUltimate
Announcement by Cem Alacayir - 7/14/2017 at 12:59 PM
Employee Post

Azure Blobs:

Starting with FileUltimate v5.11.0, you can connect to an Azure Blob container:
var rootFolder = new FileManagerRootFolder
    Name = "Azure Blob Storage",
    Location = new AzureBlobLocation
        //Leave path empty to connect to the root of the container. 
        //For subfolders, path should be specified as a relative path
        //without leading slash (eg. "some/folder")
        Path = "", 
        //Get these values from your Azure Portal (Storage Account -> Access Keys -> Connection String)
        Container = "myContainerName",
        AccountName = "myAccountName",
        AccountKey = "myAccountKey",
        //These are the default values, usually you don't need to set/change them
        UseHttps = true,
        EndpointSuffix = "core.windows.net"


Azure Files:

This is different than Azure Blobs and it acts like a SMB network share so you can already connect to Azure Files via using its UNC path (even with older FileUltimate versions):
var rootFolder = new FileManagerRootFolder
    Name = "Azure File Storage",

    Location = new PhysicalLocation
        //UNC path to the Azure Files
        //This can be found on the "Connect" blade of the File Storage Account in Azure Portal
        Path = @"\\demostorage.file.core.windows.net\data",
        UserName = "Storage Account Name",
        Password = "One of the Azure Storage Account's Access Keys"


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