Message: Header not found while trying to render stream
Question asked by vasanth - 5/25/2017 at 1:38 PM
I am receiving Header not found error message while trying to load a stream using 
public StreamResult OpenRead(string inputFile, InputOptions inputOptions)
The file is coming from a sharepoint server and i dont have any issue saving the file to filesystem and opening it. But when I directly load it to DocumentUltimate it gives the following error.
Exception: Message: Header not found
Please advice.
- Vasanth

2 Replies

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vasanth Replied
I figured it out. Thank you.
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
For future reference; probably you did not provide a file name with extension or an explicit DocumentFormat so input format could not be determined:
public class CustomDocumentHandler : IDocumentHandler
	public DocumentInfo GetInfo(string inputFile)
            // Either provide a file name with extension  
            return new DocumentInfo(uniqueId, fileName);

            // Or specify an explicit document format if you don't have a file name
            return new DocumentInfo(uniqueId, null, DocumentFormat.Docx);
            // which can also be written as
            return new DocumentInfo(uniqueId, format: DocumentFormat.Docx);

	public StreamResult OpenRead(string inputFile, InputOptions inputOptions)
		return new StreamResult(stream);
However we still need to display a better error message in this case.

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