Is it possible to change the color of the displaying drawings?
Question asked by iurgi semak - 3/27/2017 at 8:04 AM
For some drawing it is interesting to be able to change the color of the background. 

2 Replies

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iurgi semak Replied
To print in black and white it would be helpful as well. Is it possible?
Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
FYI, these feature are now available in v2.8.0:
Version 2.8.0 - May 4, 2017
  • Fixed: When HighlightedKeywords property was set, right panel which listed keywords and their locations was not visible as in versions before 2.7.0. Also HighlightedKeywords property can now be set from ASP.NET markup as comma separated values (e.g. HighlightedKeywords="Keyword1,Keyword2"), not only from codebehind.

  • Added: CadInputOptions class for prodiving Cad formats specific options. RenderBackgroundColor property is used to set the background color of the drawing when it's rendered. RenderForegroundColor property is used when you want all foreground colors to be fixed to a same color (e.g. a black and white or a blueprint output). For DocumentViewer, an instance of CadInputOptions class can be added to DocumentViewer.InputOptions collection.

    //Black background but foreground colors will be kept same as in the drawing.
    //Foreground colors in the drawing are corrected automatically when required 
    //so that they are always visible on the set background color.
    new CadInputOptions
        RenderBackgroundColor = Color.Black;
    //Black and white (all foreground colors will be fixed to White because the property is explictly set)
    new CadInputOptions
        RenderBackgroundColor = Color.Black;
        RenderForegroundColor = Color.White;
    new SpreadsheetInputOptions
        RenderBackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(58, 110, 180);
        RenderForegroundColor = Color.White;
  • Improved: **Improved:** Conversion accuracy for Cad formats. Cad to raster image conversions will have white background instead of black by default(this is overridable with the new CadInputOptions class). Also improved Cad to Svg conversion, the lines will be thicker and will have good visibility on white background

  • Added: Grayscale printing. The print dialog in DocumentViewer now has a "Grayscale (Black and White)" option.

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