Creating Public links to files found in File Ultimate
Question asked by Mark Hetherington - 10/24/2016 at 5:48 AM
Hello I have been looking at trying to create public links to certain files that are visible in the FileUltimate view. I can't seem to find a way of doing this. Is it not possible or am I missing something?
Many Thanks for any assistance/advice anyone can offer.

2 Replies

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Alexandre Boucher Replied
I am trying to achieve a similar thing, trying to add an element in the ContextMenu when clicking on a file to copy the public URL of the element to the clipboard. I succeeded in generating my URL, but can't copy it to the Clipboard using Clipboard.js. To create public links of URL, I recommend you look at the FileUltimate instance contextMenuSelection and navigationSelection (and the .data) properties. If you don't achieve what you want, ask me, I will edit my code to put it here.
Mark Hetherington Replied
Great Thanks for the suggestion I will take a look.
I had thought that is was an option on the file anyway. I thought I saw it in the update notes and on a screen shot but may be mistaken. Thanks for taking the time

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