how to setup GleamTech.AssemblyResolver.AssemblyResolver path in .NET Core
Question asked by juser - 12/14/2023 at 2:40 PM
Hi Team, We use Document Ultimate in .NET Core web Application using Azure Blob Storage for cache location. Deployed in RedHat Open Shift and runs on a Container. now the application fails for this error => GleamTech.IO.TemporaryPathException. 

Error Message:
---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'GleamTech.AssemblyResolver.AssemblyResolver' threw an exception.
---> GleamTech.IO.TemporaryPathException: Access to the temporary path "/GleamTech/AssemblyResolver" is denied due to insufficient permissions.

How do we setup temporary folder path => GleamTechConfiguration.Current.TemporaryFolder 

This would greatly help to resolve this.

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Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Path used in AssemblyResolver is detected according to the environment and setting GleamTechConfiguration.Current.TemporaryFolder is too late.

For example it checks %HOME% environment variable for Azure WebApp Service, so can you similarly set an environment variable named HOME and set to a writable folder as value?

There is also ASPNETCORE_TEMP which is checked.

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