AD Authentication
Question asked by Pritam B - 9/26/2014 at 2:27 PM
  I have been able to set up AD authentication on IIS 7.5. It uses basic authentication and impersonation is enabled. This works for users that have a equivalent account created within filevista user management. But for users not in Filevista it gives the following error message on IE 10.0
Login failed for Windows User "ADI\JDoe" !
There is no FileVista user defined with the same name.
Is there no way to hook up filevista directly to AD and not tie them to users in the filevista database? We have close to 60+ users and I want to centrally manage them within AD.

4 Replies

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Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
As of current version, you need to create corresponding AD users in FileVista database. However we plan to improve AD integration features so that you don't need special IIS configuration and duplicate users. This will probably make into v6.2 (few months).
Cosmo Mathieu Replied

Has this feature been implemented yet? I am also looking to manage users centrally via AD. I can't seem to find anything concerning AD in the knowledgbase.

Cosmo Mathieu Replied
Were you finally able to get this integration working on your end? Looking to do something similar with 200+ users.

Cem Alacayir Replied
Employee Post
Yes, "authentication against AD on regular login page" and "bulk-import AD users" features are already available since v6.5.5.

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